Monday, April 21, 2014

In the Home Stretch!

The end of the year is in sight, as well as the end of my grad school experience...can I get a HALLELUJAH!  I find myself most excited to be done with my coursework so that I can focus on and enjoy my little kinders for our last five weeks.  It hit me this week how much we have grown together this year, and how much I will miss them when they "grow up."

Anyway, mopey feelings aside, I'm excited to get a jump on next year with writing and math.  Have you seen ?  She has some amazing resources for writing that I LOVE!  Although we have a math program at our school I am really excited about her math workshop pack for the upcoming school year!  This year we struggled providing effective and engaging activities to accompany our math program, but Deedee and Deanna have created such a wonderful resource that will support it well (as well as plug holes where the program is weak)!  Hop over to her blog to check it out - did I mention she has a giveaway?